Our Book of the Week:
This week we welcomed snuggly toys made from natural materials by a new brand Senger Naturwelt and discussed on our Instagram about them being ultimately biodegradable...so rather appropriately is our book of the week, Spin a Scarf of Sunshine! Written by Dawn Casey and illustrated by Stila Lim.
Spin a Scarf weaves the story of a scarf from sheep to compost, around again, and again, showing the cyclical path that 100% natural fibre clothing can take.
Nari has a lamb, who feeds on the lush green grass and who's fleece Nari processes into yarn, and naturally dyes with the beautiful bright yellow of marigold flowers. She knits this bright yarn into a warm scarf, and wears it well for a time, but when it becomes old and unwearable, she needs to work out what to do with it, and what will happen to it when she puts it on the compost heap.
This is a lovely book, combining a very relatable story of a little girl and her enjoyment of being outdoors, animals and making things! Alongside a very important message of what you can do with an item of clothing when it's not of use any more. This could certainly spark quite a long discussion about clothing and natural fibres for slightly older children, but equally my 2 year old loves this book for the bright pictures and sweetly illustrated faces of the characters.