Seeing as we open past the usual breakfast hours, our suggestions start at lunch. We all enjoy taking advantage of the amazing vegetarian and vegan buffet Seeds 2 puts on Monday to Saturday each week, and they are located on the edge of the market square so it’s a great opportunity to tie in a mooch around the stalls before walking back up to the shop.
Further down the hill next to Mend Assembly is Edgy Veggie who use the best local ingredients and have a lovely new outdoor seating area which is perfect for soaking up the sun during the summer. Tucked away from the high-street, it often feels very tranquil even just a stone’s throw from the main road.
For the evenings when we fancy a glass of wine and small dishes, Ben’s Wine and Tapas is a go-to. With family ties to Riverford, Ben’s focuses on offering a selection of high quality wines and the majority of the selection is from growers and farmers as what they call ‘a true farm product’. You can pop in to find a bottle to enjoy or home or pay a little more to drink inside. As much as they can, the team at Ben’s buys direct from the producer. For their tapas, Ben’s Wine and Tapas combines mainly Spanish themed, with North African, Mexican, Middle Eastern and best of British influence small dishes with mainly organic ingredients.
In addition to the weekly market offerings, on the third Sunday of each month the Totnes Good Food Market takes place in the famous market square where 60+ fantastic food traders from all over Devon offer their delicious delights for you. Starting at 10am, you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to an international cuisine offering, from Thai and Indian, to Caribbean and Paella, with plenty of more locally sourced offerings too, of course. You can either take some goodies home with you or enjoy them on the spot amongst the market atmosphere which we find is always bustling with good vibes.
We hope you enjoy reading our suggestions. Let us know if you stop by any of our recommendations, you can tag us at @small.folk or #smallfolktotnes.