The SMALL-FOLK Journal — Product Guide

Staff Picks For Spring: Lou’s Market & Beach Day Favourites

Staff Picks For Spring: Lou’s Market & Beach Day Favourites

To mark the arrival of spring 2023 womenswear and to inspire you with your own springtime wardrobe, we have asked our team members to choose some of their favourite pieces. First up is Lou, our digital content creator…

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SMALL-FOLK Spring 2023 Children and Women's Sustainable Clothing and Accessories - Gardening, Park Walks, Picnics

Spring at SMALL-FOLK - New Women & Children's Picks To Inspire Outdoor Activities

In almost a month's time Spring Equinox will mark the start of the new season here in the UK. We have picked a selection of new items that will complement three of our favourite springtime activities - gardening, park walks and picnics. 

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Halloween for Kids and Children at SMALL-FOLK Totnes

Halloween Ahead

How do you plan on spending All Hallows' Eve? We've picked some of our favourite items that can be enjoyed for more than just Halloween evening...

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Robust Rainwear for Autumn and Winter

Robust Rainwear for Autumn and Winter

Get ready for the rain with robust children’s rainwear from fairchild and MIKK-LINE.

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